Why I Never Read my Test Results throughout Treatment

I never waited to see my bone, blood, heart, CT, MRI, or pathology results. I never read them. I let my oncologist deliver me the news in very basic terms to me. Why? Because I truly believe this kept me at peace and at ease as best as possible. Even just now looking at the charts raises my heart rate and gives me anxiety. I knew had I obsessed over reading my charts and results, I would’ve been in a deeper darker hole in terms of thought patterns and actions that would’ve then followed.

My 2023 “Goals” as a 2.5 Year Out Breast Cancer Survivor

Some days are riddled with anxiety, fear, and doubt, and I find it hard to even fathom much of a future. But I refuse to let that ruin my present life and future state. Those feelings and thoughts can come and go but they will not control me. I’m not one to create some big shiny New Year’s Resolution, but I am one to seek improvement, knowledge, and growth. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally-speaking.

My Top 5 Tips for Avoiding Overwhelm as a Breast Cancer Survivor

How do I avoid overwhelm? Life after cancer isn’t easy. In many ways it becomes more overwhelming than before because it surfaces an entirely new set of fears… we all know stress has a major negative impact on our well-being. So how do we avoid this? Life has its inevitable moments of overwhelm, sure. But I’m working on reacting in a less intense way when things seem to feel suffocating. Here’s my top 5 tips…

Lower Body At-Home Beginner Friendly Workout from a Breast Cancer Survivor

Diet and fitness are a huge part of my healing journey as a breast cancer survivor.

Here's an at-home beginner-friendly workout for you all to follow! (Lower Body specific).

Feel free to skip the weights and start with only bodyweight. You can always increase strength week-on-week. It’s okay to start slow! If something doesn't feel right, skip it and move on!

This workout contains a warmup, 4 supersets done 3x each, and a 'burnout' to end the workout.

Mastectomy Art Requests

As a part of my own healing journey, I’ve found it therapeutic to connect with other people in the community and give back a little something where I can. If you’d like to request a digital drawing of yourself, please email shestaysstrongblog@gmail.com

Productivity Apps I Use the Most

I must admit that I am a little obsessed with productivity and tracking.

For me, I think it’s the ability to control something in my life. What can I accomplish today? No matter how small— the feedback from ticking everything off and seeing your progress unfold becomes addictive.

I like visually checking things off my digital to-do lists and making note of my progress in day-to-day life. Whether that be what I’m eating, what I’m lifting at the gym, how many steps I’m getting in in my day…

What do the most successful people in the world utilize to get shit done? I’m always being nosy and trying to figure this out.

Life After Cancer…

Life after cancer is not easy to talk about. Everyone expects you to go back to normal but life has been forever changed. Here’s what I’ve been up to these last two years. How I’ve been feeling, occupying my time with, and my thoughts on how cancer has impacted my life post-treatment.