Mastectomy Art Requests

Mastectomy Art Requests

As a part of my own healing journey, I’ve found it therapeutic to connect with other people in the community and give back a little something where I can.

I have always loved art– I was never the kid to play sports or stand in the limelight, but rather, sit in the corner and doodle. I took graphic design in college and even though it’s not my career now, I still admire art and dabble in it occasionally.

This project has sparked a new passion in me when it comes to my artwork, and for that, I thank my online friends.

Here are a few pieces I’ve done as of recent…

PS: If you’re interested in your own piece (or would like to gift a friend), just send me an email with the subject line “art request” so we can chat!

Rifka @rifkacrazed on Instagram

Rifka is super inspiring when it comes to staying motivated, exercising, and being cheerful.

“I have a right side port, left side node scar and left side nipple scar. I had a lumpectomy, so the scar is nearly a complete circle around the nipple. The left breast is much smaller than the right now too.”

Thank you for sharing a piece of your story.

Brenda - @breleelyn on Instagram

“At 60, after a routine mammogram and followup, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 invasive breast cancer. A lumpectomy was recommended and after surgery and pathology reports (ER+/HER-), I was informed I dodged the chemotherapy bullet but required radiation treatment and Aramotose Inhibitors for five years. I call Anastrozole my "nasty pill" as I now suffer from teeth and gum issues, fatigue and minor bone pain. Half way through though!!

Returning to work after recovery was hard. Fortunately I was able to retire (a year later) and now concentrate on making ME the priority!!!

I look at my scar not as a defect but simply as "I am stronger than what tried to hurt me"

Thank you for sharing your story, Brenda. You’re such a delight to talk to, thank you for the constant support.

Erika - @thefreckleeffect on Instagram

Erika is such a beautiful soul, thank you for trusting me with this artwork. We have chosen not to share the original photograph but it’s a pretty similar pose and such (if I do say so myself!) ;)

Emily - @wolfeeepackmama on Instagram

“I had a mastectomy in September with the spacer placement. I lost one spacer due to infection in February and opted to take the other out due to breast implant illness a month later. I’m trying to preserve my skin to eventually have reconstruction done. I would like to highlight my scars underneath which are crescent shaped. But then how you portray my actual breasts right now I will leave to your artistic ability! I want people to semi-understand what I look like right now without having to really show that.”

Thank you for trusting me with this artwork and for sharing your story.

Sara - @weepingbrook on Instagram

Sara is a gem– so glad we connected via Instagram!

“I was diagnosed in 2020 at age 32 and did chemo/immune therapy, then double mastectomy (double was my choice), node removal, and 25 rounds of chest wall radiation. And at the same time, preventative chemo and immune therapy. I had expanders put in after my double mastectomy and this past spring, had them swapped out for implants. At the same time, I had fat transfers done. I am happy with the results (despite radiation causing immense scar tissue/tightening) and was able to do nipple sparing.”

Thank you for sharing your story, it’s nice to know the various options for surgery out there!

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who took an interest in my art. Please spread the word as I’d love to continue this collection (the art is free!)

Again, if you’d like to request a doodle, shoot me an email at with the subject line “Art Request” so we can chat.

Oh! And you don’t have to show your chest or whatever scars/marks you may have. We can keep it to a fun portrait of yourself and just write a blurb about your story instead. So let’s chat! :-)

Thanks for reading and supporting me, friends. I truly appreciate anyone who stumbles upon my blog, shoots me a DM, leaves a comment, or requests a doodle.

Much love, Stephanie XO #shestaysstrong

Follow me on Instagram for updates @shestaysstrongblog

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