Long Distance Christmas

Long Distance Christmas

Christmas is a bit different this year (I mean obvs, A) because Cancer and B) because Matt and I aren’t together) but we managed to celebrate in our own way, a bit early!

This is simply a journal entry about our visit from early December. Merry Christmas, everyone!


Matt flew in just before midnight on Friday December 6th, 2019. I went into the little Abbotsford airport to greet him and it was hard to hold back tears. It was the first time he would be seeing me without hair!

We were both so exhausted that we just hugged and didn’t talk too much as we waited for his luggage and Dad drove us home.

We stayed up watching TV a few hours just to unwind and taking off my head wrap for the first time in front of him was kind of funny. I was slightly nervous too— I imagine it’d be a shock for anyone the first time! But he just told me I looked beautiful and that was that.

What a magical night!

What a magical night!

On Saturday December 7th, because our routine had been so thrown off, we ended up sleeping in, having breakfast at home with my family (thanks Dad!) and had another nap before getting ready to head downtown to meet some friends at the Van Dusen gardens for the Christmas light special.

We chose to have dinner just the two of us before meeting with everyone and ended up at the restaurant right beside the gardens called the Shaunnessy Restaurant. We were incredibly lucky to have found such a perfect parking spot since their website warned people of it filling up fast due to it being Christmas season. We didn’t have a reservation but managed to get one of the last spots at the bar. Which was fine by us! It was tucked into a secluded corner and very beautiful. The bartender took good care of us too so I felt as though we got the best seats in the house. I ordered a glass of wine and had Ahi tuna (one of my most favourite dishes of all time) and Matt got a beer to go with his lamb shank. The food was A+ in our books! It was nice to sit down like old times and chat over food and drink (something we did quite often together our entire relationship. We love trying new food and drink at restaurants around the coast!) Upon leaving two older women at the bar stopped me to tell me how beautiful I looked and I nearly cried— that certainly made my night.

Fancy dinner with my love!

Fancy dinner with my love!

We met our friends right next door at the gardens (Heather & Brian, Cory & Jen, and Alyssa) and walked through together, laughing and taking pictures, and eating fresh warm cinnamon sugar mini donuts! We grabbed a beer at the bar just before it closed and sat to chat (all the kids had just left since Santa had wrapped up for the night) so again, great timing. We said our goodbyes and Matt and I made the near-hour long drive back to Abbotsford.

The gardens were beautiful! I will definitely come back in the Spring once the flowers bloom.

The gardens were beautiful! I will definitely come back in the Spring once the flowers bloom.

On Sunday December 8th, we got up and went to iHop for breakfast with my family. The waitress who greeted us asked me if I had a shaved head because of a fashion choice or health choice and I told her it was due to cancer. I thought that was a bold question but waited for her response and she shared how she herself had beat it and wished me well (she must’ve been about my age too!) It was my brother Ryan’s first time here and Dad opted for the Christmas special pancakes (hah!) The rest of us ordered some variation of a hollandaise crepe wrap which was the perfect balance of sweet and savoury.

Once we got home we opened presents. Matt got me a beautiful infinity necklace and I got him some spiffy watches. My parents and brother opened their gifts from us as well (some camping gear, some memory books, and some photo magnets).

Sporting my beautiful necklace from Matt and stunning earrings from Matt’s mom and partner!

Sporting my beautiful necklace from Matt and stunning earrings from Matt’s mom and partner!

Later on we had people over to the house. Kaeley and her mom and step Dad Kerry and Tom (we’ve been family friends with them since living in the same subdivision in Greenwood, Nova Scotia and Kaeley’s been one of my closest friends since I was twelve! It’s crazy cool we live near one another again but on the opposite coast). Matt and I’s friends Cory and Jen also swung by (Cory, Matt and I lived together as roommates back in 2012-2013!) Ryan stayed for the festivities and it was a great time. We mostly ate a bunch of finger foods from M&Ms and drank lots of beer and wine (alright Sunday Funday in my books!)

I’m lucky to have such amazing supportive friends here.

I’m lucky to have such amazing supportive friends here.

On Monday December 9th, I worked a few hours while Matt got to catch up on some sleep. Around lunch we went for sushi (FINALLY— that is one of my favourite foods and I hadn’t had any since Matt moved in September!) We got in as they opened and were the only ones in there for about half our meal, which was nice.

Later that day we drove out to see Cory and Jen. Jen made an amazing pork roast dinner and charcuterie board. We had some beers, listened to music, and chatted. Just like old times!

One of our favourite lunch dates: sushi!

One of our favourite lunch dates: sushi!

On Tuesday December 10th, I worked another few hours. In the evening Cory, Jen, and Alyssa came by to decorate gingerbread houses (thanks Jen! And thanks for the awesome gifts too! I was complimented on my pretty pink head wrap the next time I went in for chemo, actually!) For the first time in history, I had made a little house that didn’t collapse. I think because they were all mini size! Cory wasn’t as successful and ended up eating his out of frustration (hahaha). We watched a movie together “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark”— we’re all horror film fans, so we often get together to see the newest creepy stuff! We said our final goodbyes since that would be the last time Matt would see them on this trip.

Making gingerbread houses with friends!

Making gingerbread houses with friends!

Our final day together, Wednesday December 11th, I worked a few hours. Then went to the hospital to the Look Good Feel Better workshop. I felt bad being occupied so much on our last day together but we agreed it would be a good thing for me to attend. They only happen once a month. Afterwards we just hung out at home together. Watched TV and cuddled.

We finished the night at the Bavarian Restaurant with my parents and brother. It was good but I only ate about a third of my meal! We pretty much went to sleep right away since we’d be up at about 4am for Matt’s flight back to Ottawa…

We said our goodbyes just outside the security gates in the Abbotsford airport on Thursday December 12th 5:15am and I headed home to work…

Schnitzel dinner on our last night together.

Schnitzel dinner on our last night together.

Christmas is certainly different this year, but that’s okay. I’m lucky we got to spend some time together at all! Miss you, already! I love you, Matt!

I hope everyone has a great Christmas/holiday season with their loved ones! Be sure to let me know what you got up to this holiday season by leaving me a comment.

Thanks for reading! XO

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